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Our values establish our cultural identity.

To truly be a great nation, Aruba should have a national identity; together we can form a national identity by creating shared values. When we contribute to the formation of shared identity, we are contributing to the greatness of our nation. When we act and behave according to those values, we are giving honor to our great nation!

Our Values  - Our values establish our cultural identity
Individuals, families, communities and the nation are transformed through shared and endorsed values collectively

Roy Disney said: “It is not difficult to make decisions when you know what your values are.” Values are like a compass for life, they show you the correct path, the correct direction, the correct choice when you are at a crossroad. Who we are as a people is determined by what we value. The sum of our values gives us a cultural identity. Who are we as a people? What is the essence of our belief? By determining this together and then remain faithful to it… daily, will help us make decisions regarding our actions, behavior and how we treat others. Let’s decide today to add to our history and rich culture to be a people of virtue – let’s choose what we value and let’s go for it!

What would H.O.P.E. look like

When values establish our cultural identity

An Aruba:

  • That has a national identity with common values and common goals.

  • Governed by leaders of good will, integrity, and servant-hood.

  • Where business is conducted in honoring and ethical ways.

  • Whose society is built on a foundation of solid values.

  • Where values are taught and trained not only at home but in the schools, businesses, rehab centers, ministries, correctional institutions, etc.

  • Where all individuals are accepted and treated equitably.

  • Where values contribute to a nation that is prosperous and free.

  • That promotes institutions, which are inclusive and promote peace and justice.

  • Where women and girls are empowered for success.

Emanuell Smidt y Tabitha Smidt-Heemstadt
Coordinators HopeAruba Movement
Area of Success: VALUES

Emanuell Smith was born on the island of St Maarten. He was the first of five siblings. His parents brought him up to be kind, respectful and hardworking.

During his youth he was part of different organizations varying from youth political parties to music groups and charitable organizations.

He studied to be a technician in the Netherlands but his passion lies within media creation. He is an entrepreneur, musician, counselor, mentor, pastor and media consultant.

Tabitha Smith-Heemstadt was born in San Nicolas, Aruba on June 26th, 1982. She is the first of three children of the late Frederick and Patricia Heemstadt, two well-known ministers 

y who served for 40 years in full time church ministry on our island. Tabitha was brought up with very strong values, it is what has formed her character as a strong and independent woman today. Heralding from a lineage of a very musical family, Tabitha is best known for her musical talents. Her experience spans for a period of over 30 years leading musical groups and directing choirs and music teams nationally and internationally.


Tabitha’s vocational studies lead her to a professional teaching career in The Netherlands. Her passion for youth and their well-being were her greatest assets. She has since been involved in many foundations and organizations. Her functions vary from board member, to coordinator and planning. She has served as a pastor, teacher, music director, coordinator, counselor, mentor and administrator and has done this because one of her personal core values is service to her community.

Tabitha and Emanuell are known as a very inspirational couple and together they are parents to their son Jahvier.

Click here and find out more about Emanuell Smith & Tabitha Smith-Heemstadt in "A look at Myself" Series aki.

"A look at  Myself" series


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